Saturday, January 26, 2008

Por me patientes Carazon de un Padre

First in English
This treatise is dedicated to Africa the birthplace of Mankind where Adam was taken from, the Jew from whom we have the law, the Word of God and Jesus, Nee To-Sheng , the Chinese and anyone who believes that Jesus died for their sin and was resurrected..

It is from a proud descendant of Africa we say “that the first shall be last and the last shall be first” Let the revival begin.

This is dedicated to a man from Foochow in China called Nee To-Sheng. It was in first reading from his writings that I realized what was necessary for me to be a good person, was namely a good relationship with God and man. Jesus said “take no care for your raiment”. It required a relationship with God, not a religion to replace him. Since God is Spirit , He asks us to worship Him in Spirit and truth (John 4:23).
I believe that it was against religion and addiction to opiates that leaders unjustifiably have given the death penalty (Stalin, Mao). After they commit murder, they then (and /or a political system) became the false idol. The extreme example of this was in Hitler who tried to re-write history attempting to exterminate a religion of jewry being of Jewish ancestry (mother’s grandfather) . This occurred during the post Weimer German republic. These murders attempted to take the middle-man out of the equation. Yet they were the death of the brother as was Cain’s. over Abel.
Exceptions included Islamic states that have been impermeable to oppression by combining the “religious” with the political. Yet they also are false idols in not applying the totality of the Koran to all of the people being diverted by the flesh and the world in general. They still commit murder. Murder is death and is of the enemy as is lack of truth, and stealing (Jezebel did both for her husband Ahab ( I Kings 21). Jezebel is the religious practice of ritual without worship and relationship development during the week away form the church. She kills Naboth by character assassination and lies then steals his vineyard (or means to living, wealth potential) and that of his posterity. Both hold exclusion form fellowship with the other like thinkers as the ultimate weapon of control a fate not even given to Cain.
Anything that is not of relationship with God is of death. If it does not lead us to relationship with God, fellowship with others it is of death. This is what the law dictated towards a relationship with any false idol, and of the first knowledge of good and evil God told us “You shall surely die if you eat of this fruit” (Genesis 2:17). It opens us up to knowledge of two things thereby diminishing focus on relationship. It clouds our sensorium and takes us back to a time before there was light , God said let there be light. saw the light and saw that it was good, and separated light form darkness. It takes us back to a state of no light when we are not in relationship with Him which isolates us from others in fellowship.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. Yet, Adam was willing to sacrifice his relationship with God for one with Eve in disobedience. He received the knowledge, but lost the relationship- thrown from the garden with the “tree of Life” Death and religion resulted, because to live requires a Relationship. They put on animal skins. Jezebel was a baby then.
His/our relationship with God died until Jesus was born, bled, and died and resurrected to become a focus/nidus for our belief. Religion resulted to be a tutor utilizing the law until revelation of relationship came. This was impossible before Gutenberg (Bible printed) and Martin Luther (faith necessary for Salvation) Some of this revelation of the necessity came from Nee To-Sheng and Oswald Chambers. Religion was represented in the sacrifice necessary of the animal for the covering of “nakedness” God asked ADAM . How did you know you were Naked? Did you eat of the tree that I forbid you to eat? . Jesus said “take no care for your raiment” . In essence “Adam did not care that he had nothing on in his nakedness when he and I were one”.
Yet throughout mankind men have offered these false idols, drugs and religion to dominate other men. They required Jezebel which is the church-state (Jezebel-Beast)
Religion does not purport to enhance a relationship with Jesus Christ on the part of individuals. This would be a diametric opposition. A relationship makes for a better anything including citizens of a nation, fathers, sons, husbands , wives, daughters or members of the body of Christ. Yet religious people become good citizens, members or parishioners. Some never understand their relationship with the Body of Christ. Jezebel wants to kill a relationship with Jesus but she loves religion. She can flaunt her jewelry, gators, cuff-links, clothes and hair. She would kill Jesus if He came today as a baby, child, teen-ager, or adult. Look at the abortion rate. As you do to the least of these. Jezebel will eventually be eaten and burned by the beast. This is addressed in the Word in Revelation .
Revelation Chapter 17:16). The 10 kings shall only have strength power for an hour (Rev 17:12) and think one mind. An hour of power) Yet the Eighth king is the BEAST. We are in the eighth king time now, this is the 8th year. YET He that is of the Lamb shall overcome, the called, chosen and faithful (vs 14). We shall overcome. We may still die
It was from the Jew that we got the law, the Word and Jesus. They were the first son like Essau to look at as to the reaction of not getting the latter rain blessing. It was from the law that the Jew carried that allowed for a possibility of a Spiritual connection to God. In the end Essau got the birthright and the blessing anyway ( reunion with Jacob)
This Spiritual Connection of relationship to God is what He wants to have with us. We long for it and attempt to get it in actions of vicarious living (sports/pornography on tv and computer), hobbies, drugs, alcohol and religion to fill it up. Nee To-Sheng dedicated himself to get up and consider a look at Prayer (Father) Word of God (Jesus) and Action (Holy Spirit) as relationship with God.
In my humble opinion the church today and its parishioners should sell what we have and give to 1. Give the plan of salvation in Romans 10:9 and 2. Preach relationship not religion 3. take water, food and build shelter for the have-nots that do not have this.
C and P
POB 14089
Houston Tx. 77221

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